GDR Meeting 2013
French version / version française
General meeting GDR CORREL, 27-29 November 2013, Paris
UPMC, Campus Jussieu, Building Esclangon, Amphitheatre Durand
Local organizers | Scientific committee | Invited speakers |
GDR Office (other than local organizers):
The French research network "GdR Correlation" organizes its general meeting at UPMC on the Jussieu campus in Paris on November 27-29 2013. The topic is recent developments of new electronic-structure computational methods in quantum chemistry.
The first day, four international speakers will give a pedagogical lecture (in English) on the state of the art and perspectives of different methods. Each presentation will be followed by a discussion with the audience. The aim is to promote the diffusion of these methods within the French theoretical chemistry community. The four lectures will be:
- Evert Jan Baerends, Perspectives on density-functional theory and density-matrix functional theory
- Garnet Chan, Perspectives on strongly correlated electrons
- Jürgen Gauss, Perspectives on coupled-cluster methods
- Christian Ochsenfeld, Perspectives on correlated linear-scaling methods
The second and third day will give the opportunity to the French community to present their work via 25-min oral communications (in French or English) and posters.
Program (click here)
Dowload printable program (French version)
List of participants (click here)
Practical informations (click here)
Supported by
- CNRS - Institut de Chimie
- Laboratoire de Chimie Théorique de l'UPMC
- Institut du Calcul et de la Simulation de l'UPMC via Labex CALSIMLAB under the French funds "Investissements d'Avenir", reference ANR-11-IDEX-0004-02"
- Faculty of Chemistry of UPMC
- Réseau Français de Chimie Théorique (RFCT)